International Dark Sky Week is coming up!
Come on out on Thursday April 28th from 8-9:30pm for stargazing at Volunteer Park! Bring a red flashlight and dress warmly! Free event – donations welcome. Contact darkskiespaonia@gmail.com for more info.
Early birds can catch the planets Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter lined up in the southeast sky before dawn. On the morning of Saturday April 29th look for Jupiter and Venus to make a very close conjunction in the morning sky.
On April 28th – April 30th, the planet Mercury will brush by the Pleiades cluster for a brief window of a half an hour or so just after sunset. Best to see with binoculars or telescope. REMEMBER: ALWAYS DO YOUR OPTICALLY-AIDED VIEWING AFTER THE SUN SETS! Do not risk harming eyesight and optical equipment by contact with direct sunlight. Come on out to Volunteer Park on Thursday to see the conjunction.
Twinkle on Paonia!
Aaron Watson
Dark Skies Paonia
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Dark Skies Paonia
PO BOX 807
Paonia, CO 81428
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Featured Artist:
Check out this Stunning North Fork Valley Dark Sky Art called “Twinkle Valley” made by local artist Robin Arthur at robiniart.com. Robin perfectly blends our amazing view of colorful rolling hills, the famous mountain horizon, and the phenomenal night sky. Pieces from this collection will be showcased at Qutori Wines as labels on their fabulous bottles of wine. Stars to you Robin! What a great combination pairing artistic expression, local wineries, and the night sky! Prints available, order here
Lights Out For Migrating Birds!
Spring is here, and no better time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful nature we have in the valley. As lovely bird songs fill the air, remember that we can help our bird friends this spring by turning off our lights at night. Most birds migrate at night, and artificial light has been shown to disorient birds with devasting consequences, so that sadly, many of these tiny creatures do not make it to their destinations.
You can help by taking the Lights Out Colorado Pledge - pledging to turn off and shield outdoor lights at night. Take the Lights Out Colorado Pledge Here.
The State of Colorado recognizes the seriousness of this issue and has proclaimed April 2022 to be Lights Out for Bird Migration Month. Stars to the Governor for recognizing and bringing awareness to this important issue. See Proclamation Here.
Paonia Master Plan Update:
Have you seen the new Town of Paonia Master Plan? Find it here. Dark Skies Paonia has been working with the planning team to ensure that our access to the night skies stays clear through the coming years. Please let the planners know your feedback on the plan here, even if just to say that you support dark skies!
In the Sky this Month: